We spoke with countless community managers and learned that many forum owners need to create private threads, specifically for a certain subset of users. As a result of this feedback, we recently launched our very own solution to accommodate private groups within a larger forum community. This could be a members-only group for VIPs, a fringe benefit for paying members, or it could simply be a group for a certain niche within the community.
In most cases, the group requires privacy (from other users as well as search engines) and focuses on content that is specific to their niche and not relevant to the community at large. Often times, private groups are created exclusively for decision makers within the organization. This makes it easy for important people in the organization to reach consensus quickly, easily, and privately.
The screen shots below show the following steps:
Can user make group OR Can only admin make groups?
Please reply me.
Raj, the default setting is that only admins can create and manage groups.