Forum Software And The Pixar Pitch

In his book “To Sell Is Human”, which we mentioned in a post earlier this week, author Dan Pink describes something called the “Pixar Pitch”. He states that all Pixar movies follow the same formula:

  1. Once upon a time…
  2. Every day…
  3. One day…
  4. Because of that…
  5. Because of that…
  6. Until finally…

A Pixar movie about Ninja Post would go something like this:

Once upon a time, a young woman launched a website about healthy eating. Every day she wrote a new blog post and added new pictures. One day she noticed she was getting thousands of visitors. Because of that she felt obligated to help everyone that came to her site. Because of that she started to go crazy as it became impossible to reach every user individually. Until finally, she realized that a Ninja Post forum would give her users a place to work together and build friendships and free her to focus on her site.

As a bonus, the forum helped her generate more revenue and raise the profile of her site. Then, her Ninja Post forum magically turned into a prince and they lived happily ever after.*

* DISCLAIMER: our “prince metamorphosis” feature is still in development.

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Make Your Website A “Destination” – How Ninja Post Can Help

Once upon a time, bookstores were functional but dull: customers stayed only as long as it took to make a purchase. In the 1990s, bookstores became more social. They offered an upscale atmosphere with armchairs and Starbucks coffee. They became “destinations” and encouraged customers to stay, browse, and chat.

Ninja Post does the same thing for your website (minus the coffee shop). It provides a forum to interact with your users and lets them interact with one another. Customer feedback enhances product development. Visitors become fans. All this translates into increased page views, more time spent on your site, more revenue, and happier customers.

Ninja Post complements social networks like Facebook and Twitter to unify your social media strategy. Threads update in real time like a chat, and the design is elegant and easy to brand. Ninja Post is hosted in the cloud so setup is painless. We’ll integrate it with your URL but do the heavy lifting on the back end to keep your forum running fast.


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