People within the same organization tend to face similar problems but may not know the best method to resolve such problems or how similar problems were resolved in the past. Chances are that an employee in one department knows how to help an employee in a different department but is unaware that a fellow employee needs help. This situation is problematic because the knowledge is there but there is no way to convey it.
It seems that communities tend to be fractured in two ways:
- Divided into silos. Departments do not communicate well with one another.
- Broken into fragments. Individuals are unable to communicate with one another.
You can think of silos as isolation at the department level and fragments as isolation at the personal level. Recognizing the opportunity to better connect both departments and individuals is the first step to building a better connected community.
We previously described Ninja Post as a “round table” for your organization. We like this analogy because our platform dissolves barriers between departments and connects individuals across organizations.