To make the most of an “Adopt-a-Family” campaign on your forum, we recommend taking the following steps:
- Set up a special email address and PayPal account to accept donations. Or better yet, create a page on your site that accepts donations directly.
- Do some background research on local charities to connect with a worthy family. We have found that many Adopt-a-Family programs work on a local level so opportunities vary from place to place. The Salvation Army website is a good place to start. Call your local Salvation Army to learn more about opportunities in your area.
- Announce the campaign on your forum prior to December 1st with a sticky announcement thread. Ask for feedback and advice from users about how to run the campaign. For example, one or more members might already be associated with an appropriate charity. Other members might be able to provide certain goods in lieu of a financial donation.
- Announce the campaign in your monthly newsletter to all users. Spread the word on your social media channels as well – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
- Keep the “announcement thread” active by posting the amount raised and publicly thank members who contribute.
- Give users who contribute a virtual badge to be displayed next to their user name in thread and/or on their profile.
- Send an update email to the entire community updating everyone on the project’s status and with instructions to contribute.
- Deliver the goods to the charity and include a letter to the family from the community.
- Post any feedback from the family to the forum.
- Save the thread for motivation next year.
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